Piper Neumann’s college life is off to a strong start, thanks to a scholarship from The Howard Hughes Corporation. She was awarded the scholarship last year after graduating from Willis High School, where students residing in The Woodlands Hills attend.
Piper decided to attend her first year of college at Dallas College North Lake Campus in Irving, Texas. She said the funds were very handy, especially since that particular community college does not award academic scholarships.
“The scholarship from Howard Hughes was super helpful as it covered my tuition,” Piper said. “It also supported my goal of getting through college without any crazy debt or financial strains.”
Having completed her first year of college, Piper is transferring to the University of North Texas in Dallas, where she plans to pursue a degree in Kinesiology. “I want to become a volleyball coach and help high schoolers on varsity teams, and eventually coach on the college level. I want to help girls not just with volleyball but with skills for day-to-day life,” she added.
Students are selected for the scholarships by Willis High School. The criteria are based on academics and extracurricular activities. In addition, the seniors are asked to write an essay describing why they like living in Montgomery County.
Piper’s was the fifth annual scholarship Howard Hughes has given to a Willis High School graduate on behalf of The Woodlands Hills, continuing the developer’s tradition of funding scholarships since the 1980s. Coincidentally, her younger sister, Rylee Neumann, was one of this year’s sixth annual scholarship winners from Willis High School. Rylee will be attending North Texas University in the fall.
Scholarships are awarded to graduates through an educational funding initiative launched in the 1980s, which Howard Hughes continues today. Over the years, more than 410 scholarships have been awarded to graduating seniors and Lone Star College students.
The Howard Hughes Corporation wishes Piper, her sister Rylee, and the rest of the recent scholarship recipients all the best as they pursue their goals of achieving higher education to fulfill their dreams!