Spanning 2,000 acres of gently-rolling terrain that’s surrounded by an abundance of nature, The Woodlands Hills is situated among the southwest corner of the East Texas Piney Woods, which consists of towering pine trees and lush hardwood forests.
While many of the health and wellness inspired amenities are adorned with planned landscaping, such as nearby the Activity Center in the 17-acre Founders Park and among entrances into neighborhoods, the area’s native flora can be seen nearby and within the community’s four parks as well as along the nature-laced hike and bike nature trails and surrounding forest.
Botany lovers will appreciate these lists of some of the trees and plants that are naturally found in and around The Woodlands Hills:
Native canopy trees include:
- Bald Cypress
- Winged Elm
- Cedar Elm
- Black Gum
- Sweet Gum
- American Holly
- Drummond Red Maple
- Southern Sugar Maple
- Southern Magnolia
- Bur Oak
- Live Oak
- Nuttall Oak
- Shumard Oak
- Water Oak
- White Oak
- Overcup Oak
- Pecan
- Slash Pine
- Loblolly Pine
- Sycamore
Native shrubs and ornamental plants include:
- American Beautyberry
- River Birch
- Red Buckeye
- Carolina Buckthorn
- Buttonbush
- Carolina Cherry-laurel
- Coralberry
- Flowering Dogwood
- Gold Star Esperanza
- Eve’s Necklace
- Fringe Tree
- Tall Ink-berry Holly
- Possumhaw Holly
- Yaupon Holly
- Leatherwood (Titi)
- Loblolly-bay
- Sweetbay Magnolia
- Chalk Maple
- Parsley Hawthorn
- Pine, Slash
- Loblolly Pine
- Mexican Plum
- Redbud
- Sassafras
- Two-winged Silverbell
- Bigleaf Snowbell
- Sumac
- Summer Sweet Clethra
- Virginia Sweetspire
- Texas Mountain Laurel
- Arrow-wood Viburnum
- Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum
- Wax Myrtle, Southern
- Witch Hazel
It’s only natural to enjoy living and thriving in concert with nature in The Woodlands Hills!